I ardently advocate non-human species rights, human rights and environmental causes. I love to write with a passion for something, as well as the craft itself. I hope for a day when we will stop killing each other and get on with the business of living, co-creating and sharing responsibility for the vulnerable in our global society.
I write about discordant fantasy worlds and lost faith, of broken dreams, but I also write about character transformations, deep change, redemption and optimism at the end. My stories are about hope, not misery.
I believe in the value of living things over pure capitalism. That women should forget beautification over self-worth and men are more than hegemonic stereotypes. And that we need to rethink ourselves as post-humanists within our social and cultural evolution.

I completed a degree in 1999 at Newcastle
University (Education & Social Studies) and
recently, an MA in Creative Writing at Teesside. I write campaign pieces, grant proposals and attempt to create 'dialogue' and change in the way people approach difficult and challenging areas in life. I work within community arts, therapy and creative multi-medium projects. I live in the North East of England with my hubby, rescued cats and a wonky legged rabbit. I over contemplate and drink too much coffee. I am a vegan and feel damn good about it, but equally do not judge others for their choices. It's just something that feels right to me for ethical reasons and now - health, climate and global reasons.
My recent work is a posthumanist poetry and artwork book: I, Animal: Examining the Animal - Human Divide,
and I am also currently working on a novel The Broken Rainbow, a darker re-imagining of L. Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and a fantasy novel Frost Flower with Icelandic folklore roots and creaturely, anthropomorphic, experimental-fictions. I am also starting a co-authored project, culminating my interests in second person narrative and animal sentience/welfare.
"We are way more powerful when we turn to each other and not on each other, when we celebrate our diversity… and together tear down the mighty walls of injustice."
Cynthia McKinney, American politician and activist

“The greatest problem on earth today is the notion that some lives matter less than others. We imagine that non-human lives hardly matter at all. We live as though our difference from other species entitles us to use them and that they exist for our benefit. This view is not only inaccurate, it is unethical.”
Sandra Higgins, MSc Couns Psych, MBPsS, Founder & Director, Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary Ireland, Go Vegan World Campaign Director
R.M. 5.0 out of 5 stars A battle-cry for the voiceless
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 6 January 2022
'This debut poetry collection is a battle-cry for the voiceless animals caught up in our intensive farming system. Blending eye-catching illustrations with impassioned poetry, the book makes a strong case for veganism and for better animal welfare at all levels. The collection is also very up-to-date, featuring the COVID-19 pandemic as well as Pen Farthing.
Each poem in itself tells an important story and alone calls each of us to question our own actions. Together, they build a powerful case for transformation - and poetry like this could change the world for the better. If you have an interest in animal welfare, veganism and the climate crisis, then this book is for you!'